Passion in Tuscany ..inside the B&S straps
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Article: Passion in Tuscany ..inside the B&S straps

Passion in Tuscany ..inside the B&S straps

Passion in Tuscany ..inside the B&S straps

In last november i visited the beautiful Tuscany area of Lucca to visit the great craftsmen who creates our B&S straps. Pure passion for leather and great life. Thats what you feel all around you.
As i wanted to see the production of the straps and talk about new products etc… i visited this great little atelier near Lucca. It was so great to see the devotion and the family working on all the products. Every inch of that former farmhouse workplace speaks ‘leather’ and craftsmanship. All handmade.

But it’s not only the people. When you cruise the area, visit the town and have dinner with them in a small and great restaurant with some local personal touch. You know where all the style and feeling comes from. Every building shows heritage, tradition and patina. The people are warm. They love good company, great food and good things in life.

I could find the patina of these straps all around me… it was very inspiring.

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These straps are all hand made. 1 by 1. It takes about 45 minutes to create each strap.
The leather for the straps comes from a local Tuscany tannery. The leather is pit treated and aged using only natural and vegetable products. The leather stays like 5/6 weeks in the tube. No forcing techniques are applied. The specific name of some of these leathers, and ‘proper tanning pit, a system used in ancient times and in recent times + in the early’ 800 .. The particular scent, which give off the skins and ‘particularly due to the maceration of vegetable tannins placed inside the tanks tanning: the softness is derived from the use of a mixture of animal and vegetable fats, of ancient receiving, and a triple dose oils … The tanning system and the exclusive use of plant and animal products, also determine the importance with regard to respect for the ecological environment and people .. Each strap, being an artifact, and ‘one’ piece with color and nuances of their own. All this thought for a new strap that goes well with a vintage clock.

These great pieces of leather are then all shaped and worked on to get the great B&S/JP straps you can find at Bulang & Sons.

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First the basic shape is punched out of the leather sheets. And then an important part for the comfort of wearing. We use 4 mm thick leather and slice it first into 2 mm. The thicker leather is more expansive but also better then the normal 2 mm leather to create a strap. But one side of the buckle straps is even sliced into thiner layers for more comfort.

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Then the strap get’s extra work on the points where the buckles will fit. It gets glued (natural glue) and then punched again to get it’s final shape.

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But then the real magic starts. Each and every of these straps gets worked on to polish, put in stains and distress to give them that cool vintage look. Each and every one. All work by hand and experience.

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And the straps are also hand stitched. Like our special color stitched series.

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And of course the finishing touch 😉

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Also the boxes and watch rolls are all made by hand. A family tradition for many years now. As they produced also bags and other products.

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As said… as Bulang & Sons we stand for quality and values. That why we love to work with passionate and devoted people to create the products for our brand and shop.
In the near future we will create more lifestyle products and accessories with JP and his family.

We will keep you posted.

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